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Accessory vehicles tank trucks

We dispose with 10 tank trucks in total for transport of LPG, 3 of which are semi-trailers and 7 full tank trucks with the volumes of 21, 22, 35, 45, and 50 m³ and carrying capacities of 9, 10, 16, 19, and 20 t.

Transport and distribution of oil derivations is carried out by tank trucks. There are 6 semi-trailers with the volume of 34,500 l, 34,000 l, and 15,000 l, namely with the carrying capacity of 26, 33.5, and 34.5 t. For the needs of distribution of oil derivations, we also use a semi-trailer truck with the tank of 30 t of capacity and a truck with tanks of 10,000, and 13,000 l of volume.